Promotional Research Advocacy Training Action Yard (PRATAY) is non-government, non-political, voluntary and philanthropic female headed development organization established in May 1991. Since establishment, PRATAY has been striving to serve the most marginalized and disadvantaged men, women and children including persons with disabilities, minority, distressed, discriminated, tortured, repressed and extremely vulnerable. Most of them are from poor and hard core families who have no assets, power, dignity and rights in the society. Special focus has given to the women, adolescent and children being a gender sensitive organization. They are deprived, discriminated and victims of violence by the male members, majority and well off people.  

The organization has been working with the poor and hard core poor people living in both rural and urban setting of Dhaka and Chittagong Division of the country. The organization has been implementing various types of programs considering the needs and demands of the poor and hard core poor people of the target areas. It is worth to add that the key program of the organization is rights based education and the organization has been investing all necessary endeavors to under various program considering the needs and demand of the community people.